
Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions - MindTravellers

1. As a participant you agree to the terms and conditions when submitting your booking form.

2. You are required to adhere to the dietary, alcohol, drug and medication restrictions and preparation instructions stated in the booking confirmation and on the website.

3. When you submit the reservation form, you are making an official reservation request. You will then receive a booking confirmation, with which the booking is binding.

4. If you wish to cancel a booking, please refer to the cancellation policy. Please inform MindTrallevers in a timely manner and in writing. 5. If you are unable to participate in a MindTravellers trip due to unforeseen circumstances, another date can be chosen in consultation.

5. If you are unable to participate, someone else may take your place, provided the details of the replacement participant are submitted and approved by MindTravellers in a timely manner.

6. MindTravellers has the right to postpone or cancel ceremonies for important reasons in situations of force majeure, such as changes in the law. The participant will be informed of this via the contact details on the booking form. A voucher worth the paid participation fee will then be awarded. The participant can redeem the voucher for all future trips offered by MindTravellers. Further liability claims and damage claims by the participant are excluded, unless they are due to intent or gross negligence on the part of MindTravellers.

7. MindTravellers vouchers are valid until the end of the third calendar year following the date of issue. After the three-year period has expired, the vouchers can no longer be redeemed. Returning or canceling vouchers is not possible. Partial redemption of vouchers is possible: the remaining amount can be redeemed within the validity period of the voucher. The commercial resale of vouchers is not permitted.

8. MindTravellers has the right to exclude a person from participating in a ceremony for good reason. Cancellation policy: If you cancel a booking up to two weeks before the trip, we are unfortunately forced to charge 25% of the total amount. In this case you will receive 75% of the total amount back. If you cancel a booking between two weeks and one week before the trip, we are forced to charge 50%. You will then receive 50% of the total price of the ceremony back. If you cancel a booking within a week before the trip, we cannot give you a refund, as preparing a trip is intensive and costs time, money and energy.


1. MindTravellers will ensure the smooth running of the ceremonies.

2. Participation in a MindTravellers trip is entirely at the participant’s own risk. MindTravellers is not liable for injury and/or damage of any kind resulting from the stay and/or activities of the participant, nor for loss or damage to property.

3. Complaints must be submitted in writing and with reasons to MindTravellers. The complainant will receive a response within 14 days.

Medical Disclaimers

1. The trips we offer are intended to support emotional and spiritual development and not to replace medically necessary treatment or therapy. Therefore, always discuss physical and/or psychological complaints with a qualified doctor.

2. Always report before departure if you have a physical complaint or if you need extra help.

Changes in programming of ceremonies

1. MindTravellers has the right to make changes to the programming of the trips, for example if a guide is no longer able to provide the trip due to illness, relocation, pregnancy or other circumstances. MindTravellers will then provide a professional and comparable replacement. Participants will be informed about this before departure.

House rules

1. Our branch in Culemborg is smoke-free, with the exception of the designated smoking area. The use of drugs and alcohol is not permitted during the entire stay.

2. Respect for every person, regardless of religion, views, gender and development is the most important core value. MindTravellers is respectful to all participants and expects participants to also respect each other.

3. MindTravellers has carefully chosen the location in Culemborg to offer participants a safe and livable environment during their stay. Treat the location and surroundings with care, like your own home. Together we provide beauty and conviviality. Any damage will be recovered from the perpetrator.

4. Participants who do not adhere to the General Terms and Conditions or house rules, or do not follow the instructions of MindTravellers staff, may be excluded from participation. This does not entitle the participant to a refund of payment.

5. During the stay and the ceremony, video, film or sound recordings may only be made with the prior permission of MindTravellers and, if relevant, the other participants. Please contact us if you have any questions about our terms and conditions

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